We submitted testimony concerning proposed updates to COMAR-14.39.02 that the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) is considering to implement HB 19, the Safe Walk To School Act, and HB 566, which requires new schools to have multi-stream waste streams. The regulation are straight forward and implement Maryland law.

You can read the testimony here.

We submitted comments on the final recommendations proposed by the Prince George’s Council School Pedestrian Task Force. Overall their recommendations were great, but some tweaks were needed. Some of our suggestions were adopted by the the task force as well. If implemented this will make our children’s walks to school safer and more sustainable.

You can read the comments here.

We joined numerous groups, including Progressive Maryland and PG Change Makers, at the August 29, 2024, Prince George’s County Board of Education in the call to install solar on existing school buildings, in particular in overburdened and underserved communities such as Fort Washington and Oxon Hill.  We also called for strong leadership on climate-friendly, healthy school foods and thanked the Board for all of the progress that has been made on the Climate Change Action Plan Implementation.


Many voices unite to create the first school district climate action plan in Maryland


Generation 180 has a piece out today on how our coalition of elected officials, students, parents, and advocates came together to work with PGCPS to be a national leader in school climate action.

May 9, 2024 IAC Meeting


On May 9, we testified at the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC), calling on the IAC to fully implement the requirement found in HB 458 to develop standards for LEAs to use when conducting life-cycle cost analysis for new school construction.  In particular, we called on the new guidelines to include consideration of Maryland’s 2045 net zero climate goal, the cost to retrofit schools for EVs and fossil fuel-free heating, and the need to consider IRA tax credits.

You can watch the testimony here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEMaSfDNtDk

And you can read our written testimony here.

We submitted testimony to the Prince George’s County Council in support of CR-009-2024, a “Resolution Concerning School Pedestrian Safety Workgroup.”  Our children are counting on the County Council to address safe access to schools, and we do believe that this workgroup will lead the Prince George’s County government to prioritize safer access to schools in
its road design and other transportation concerns.

You can read the testimony here.



The Maryland General Assembly is underway and we have been continuing our work providing support for laws that will lead to greenhouse gas free schools. We do this as part of the Maryland Climate Justice Wing. Here is the first set of the testimony that we are submitting in the 2024 legislative session.

  • SB 56/HB 163 – The bill allows for counties to put a surcharge on solid waste some of which could go to school climate grants. Read the testimony.
  • SB 200 “Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools” – Helps move forward safe routes to school. Read the testimony.
  • HB 356 – Makes some instances of not stopping at a school bus stop a warning instead of a fine. Read the testimony.

If you would like to help us review more bills let please consider volunteering.