PGCPS is taking comments on long-term changes to their attendance policies and student activists need our help.  One of the reforms came out of the efforts of two Eleanor Roosevelt High School students that started a Sunrise Hub and were trying to get excused absences for attending a Fridays for the Future rally. Civic engagement is an activity where students can learn hands on how to make change and we are supportive of the efforts of our friends at the Sunrise Hub.  Besides allowing for excused absences for such civic engagement activities, they will allow for mental health days for students and college visits, as well as consider more types of people family members.

Comments are due on December 9 and it is a simple form.  Make sure that you say that you support “excused absences for civic engagement activities” in your comments.

You can read submitted to the Maryland Public Service Commission calling on the denial of a permit in case 9330 that would result in construct of a new natural gas pipeline that would come within a half mile of Brandywine Elementary School in regards to a call to action from our friends at Clean Air Prince George’s.

On Tuesday October 13, the Prince George’s County Council Committee of the Whole is voting on CR-100-2020, which is a resolution to approve a contract that will result in a public-private partnership to build six new schools (replacements for Drew-Freeman, Hyattsville, Kenmoor and Walker Mill middle schools in addition to an new Adelphi area middle school and a new south county kindergarten through eighth grade school).

At this point there is not clear whether these schools will be 100% Clean Energy.  This is important because the useful life of school buildings is quite long and the buildings and much of the equipment being installed will still be in use in 2050, when we need to be at net zero emissions in order to stave off the Climate Emergency. 

We need you to TESTIFY or WRITE A COMMENT saying that you want these schools to be 100% Clean Energy.

You can easily sign up to both HERE.

If you need inspiration your can read our testimony.