We are glad to be invited by Delegate Jared Solomon (HD-18) to testify today to the House of Delegates Appropriations Committee in favor of HB 630.  This bill would require Maryland school districts to begin collecting energy use data (if they aren’t already) and develop an energy plan of the district.  This effort dovetails nicely with what we are calling for in Prince George’s County and will be an improvement to schools throughout Maryland.

You can read the written testimony  here .

The Maryland General Assembly has started their 2021 and many bills that are being brought up will have an impact on the climate future of our children and future generations. So we have been writing testimony on some of the more important ones as part of the Maryland Climate Justice Wing. Here is the second tranche of the testimony that we have submitted so far in the legislative session.

The Maryland General Assembly has started their 2021 session and many bills that are being brought up will have an impact on the climate future of our children and future generations. So we have been writing testimony on some of the more important ones as part of the Maryland Climate Justice Wing. Here is some of the testimony that we have submitted so far in the legislative session.

On December 9, our lead volunteer spoke against the amendment of the pipeline permit requested by Panda Mattawoman, LLC at the Public Service Commission. We spoke out to support the activities of Clean Air Prince George’s and for the health of those that live near the proposed pipeline, in particular the students in the area.

You can read the testimony here.

You can read submitted to the Maryland Public Service Commission calling on the denial of a permit in case 9330 that would result in construct of a new natural gas pipeline that would come within a half mile of Brandywine Elementary School in regards to a call to action from our friends at Clean Air Prince George’s.